Pastoral Care in the Pandemic: 21/22

A cover of the workbook "Wellbeing in the Pandemic: Building a Recovery Syllabus for Students and Staff". It features a line drawing of a small black cat sitting on a hill with the sun rising behind it.The pandemic has hit universities and colleges hard. My new workbook is here to protect your wellbeing as you support colleagues and students

‘Pastoral Care in the Pandemic: 21/22’ is a practical workbook explaining how to build a Recovery Syllabus for Academia. It includes practical advice, tools, links to reputable sources of support, activities and reflections for you to complete. It will help you throughout the year, while building your confidence and boosting your wellbeing.

My workbook is for anyone working in further or continuing and higher education across the world who has responsibility for guidance and pastoral care including:

  • Tutors and lecturers (full or part-time at any grade)
  • Counsellors
  • Guidance leads
  • Personal tutors and course leaders
  • Mentors and third party mediators
  • Heads of Department/Division
  • Career advisors and student skills teams
  • Equality, diversity and inclusion officers
  • Disability advisory services
  • Campus healthcare clinics/centres
  • Student unions
  • Chaplaincy
  • Student welfare officers
  • Union reps

It costs £6.50 with £1.00 of every sale going to the charity Stand Alone that supports students who are estranged from their family or a key family member.

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