I can’t wait for the weekend to begin
Every weekend two innovative (and enthusiastic) scholars take to Twitter to help people reflect, share and network.
On Saturdays Rhonda Ragsdale (aka @ProfRagsdale) hosts #SaturdaySchool. A topic-based teach-in covering issues relating to academic life, work and rights. You can find out more here, join in via Twitter on Saturday or during the week, and suggest topics for future discussions.
On Sundays Raul Pacheco-Vega (aka @raulpacheco) helps people connect via #ScholarSunday. Encouraging us to share details of colleagues who we admire and explain why their work/practice inspires us. There’s more about this venture here and again join in via Twitter or just read through the hashtag to find people who you might like to get to know better.
There are numerous one-off live discussions, teach-ins and workshops running for practitioners in the health/social sciences and development. Not just on Twitter but also on Moodle, Facebook, Skype, Google Hangout and probably loads more cool places I’ve no idea exist.
If you are involved in similar events on a regular basis please do share in the comments for others to join in with and share.
And of course the Research Companion Facebook Group is open all weekend if you want to get your study on, or just catch up with other people who’re avoiding getting on with work.
Here’s to a great weekend!
Featured image is book cover for Alan Sillitoe’s 1958 book Saturday Night, Sunday Morning. It shows a woman and a man sitting at a table, having a drink.
Thanks so much for the shout-out! I learn so much from you and the Research Companion!