February 2015 useful stuff roundup
Did you know we’ve a Facebook group for The Research Companion? Every day myself and others share resources, ask for advice and swap tips on how to do research in the social or health sciences or development. You’re welcome to join us, but for those who aren’t on Facebook or are unable to use it, here’s a monthly round up of the best of the stuff that’s been shared in February 2015.
Tools, books, papers and resources
Narrative analysis of paradata from the Poverty in the UK survey. A worked example
What evidence is available and what is required, in humanitarian assistance?
Cartoon introduction to statistics
Film – First do no harm: a qualitative research documentary (of use to anyone working in health, development and cross cultural practice)
David Carr’s 10 pieces of work and life advice
Social Science in Sixty Seconds
How black lives have always mattered. A reading list
Further reading for psychology courses (via Taylor and Francis)
On doing research in places where research seems impossible
Building networks for evidence-informed policy in Africa
Learning+something=something brilliant
Tips for securing a postdoc job
What do social media users think about the people who research them?
Using artefact cards for academic writing
Research uptake – what is it and can it be measured?
Very nice idea from the group Kissing It Better – they invite people to contribute practical ideas they’ve used/tried to improve care. Can be adapted for work in education, development and of course what we’re doing here with research
Here’s one of the first papers I read on ‘participatory research’, it’s still a classic IMO
Collaborating with young people through a research advisory group
‘This is my story’ – patients talk about how they joined in with research (via Involve)
Lovely, pragmatic essay on ‘practice based evidence’
From tweet, to blog post, to peer reviewed article
Ethics and materials in participatory research
International Journal of Social Research Methodology, Virtual Issue (open access) on Mixed Methods
What happens when you don’t write good?
Small data for shorter feedback loops and local planning
Roundup of psychology podcasts
Ebola: lessons for development (round up of talks and resources for tackling health emergencies)
Psychology journal bans significance testing
This summer, CRHP will be offering three experiential courses: an Experiential Course in Health and Development, an Experiential Course in Sustainable Agriculture, and a Documentary Filmmaking Course.
Free online course in Citizen Engagement, starts in March
Short courses in research methods at the University of Bristol
Designing apps for healthcare courses
Conferences, talks and events
General introduction to Bayesian analysis
7 March – Radical Statistics Conference, London
11 and 12 March – Authenticity to Action Conference. University of Central Lancashire
PsyPag Masters Awards, deadline 13 March
15 May – Fieldwork in challenging circumstances, Kent
4-5 June – Secondary analysis of qualitative data. Essex.
6-10 July – Manchester Methods Summer School, Manchester
2015 Science Festivals Around the World
Lots of events coming up via the Medical Sociology Early Career Researcher Group
24 struggles you’ll only understand if you’re dating a PhD student
10 charts inspired by Morrissey
Apology cards by academic discipline
As you can see from the start of this post, we said ‘good bye’ to Leonard Nimoy (aka Dr Spock from Star Trek) at the close of this month. StoryCorps paid tribute with their short animation ‘Eyes on the Stars’ where physicist Ronald E.McNair’s brother Carl talks about what inspired him to be a scientist.