From Learning Exercises
Centre Yourself
You deserve a special day doing kind things for the person most deserving of your love and care. Here’s how to make that happen.
What went well last year?
In the past year you got loads done, but I bet you forgot to praise yourself for it. Today’s your chance to appreciate how awesome you are!
Researcher Renew
Want to move into the new year while feeling better about yourself? Join in with a month of gentle activities.
Getting started with your PhD
If you’re just about to begin a PhD or have recently enrolled on a graduate programme, here’s a short guide to help you get started with resources to assist you through the PhD journey.
Pastoral Care in the Pandemic: 21/22
The ongoing effects of Covid-19 are having a damaging effect on all of us working and studying in colleges and universities. This guide helps you care for yourself while supporting students and colleagues.