Honour Roll
The Research Companion book would not have found its way into a first OR a second edition without the input of the following people. Thanks to all of you for your time, enthusiasm, criticisms and ideas.
Liz Rankin – Editing
Eleanor Reedy – Editing
Natalie Turner – Marketing
Graham Bradbury – Copy and proofing
Daniel Hendon – Indexing
Sioned Jones and Kristin Susser – Production
Maggie Lindsey-Jones, Sarah Lindsey-Jones, Tracey Preece, Kelly Winter – Production
Debbie Epstein, Trisha Greenhalgh, Sarah Shannon Hesperian Health Guides, Susie Jolly
Illustrations and visual storytelling
Sean Longcroft
Case studies and illustration idea generators
Aviv Sharon (Chapter 3)
Nappy Science Gang (Chapter 4)
FOAM – Karen Price, Gerry Considine, Imaan Joshi, Jon Brown, Lindsay Moran Jayaram, Nicole Higgins, Penny Wilson, Tim Leeuwenberg (Chapter 6)
Xaks Dabula (Chapter 7)
Apopo (Hero Rats) (Chapter 8)
Fact checkers, advisors and critical friends
Adam Jacobs, Matthew Greenall, Terry-Ann Selikow, Will Callaghan, Henry Strick van Linschoten, Richard Jolly, Susan Catt, Kate Sherry, Narrice Bucknor, Jane Morton, David Colquhoun, George Huba, Robin Bray-Hurren, Emma Short, Michelle Brook, Sally Morgan, Jonathan Hume, Tom Witney.
Research Companions
Raul Pacheco-Vega, Helen Kara, Michael Strang, Gary Wood, Mark Carrigan, Rhonda Ragsdale, #whywedoresearch, Claire Whitehouse, Ceri Butler, Henry Potts, Maria Wolters, Clare Coultas, Sarah Howcutt, Anthea Lipsett, Niall Boyce, Kate Bevan, Deborah Blum, Jo Brodie, Emma Byrne @sciwriby, Leigh Cadwell @Leighblue, Chelsea Polis @cbpolis, Harriet @geekyisgood, Jennifer Rohn @JennyRohn, Jennifer Jones @jennifermjones, Jim Hawkins, Josh Witten,Kaite Welsh @KaiteWelsh, Nora Maddock @noramaddock, @Psycho_Claire, @Schrokit, Bethany Brookshire, Tom Wein @tom_wein, Clare Wilson @ClareWilsonMed.
First Edition
Jane Ussher, Alan Carr, Nigel Hunt.
Second Edition
Sally Cooke, Emee Vida Estacio, Kate Sherry.